Title: Three Cheers for Yolanda Vega.
Where: http://threecheersforyolandavega.blogspot.com/
A Buffalo, NY native, Lulu Robinson has developed as a Blogger for the last two years. She has found the medium between telling her fashion story to photo documenting her life experiences. Lulu has perfected the pose of vulnerability in her self made photography. Three Cheers for Yolanda Vega. represents a variety of uses. These consist of the infinite amount of captured beauty in lovely vintage finds to her joyous daily travel experiences. This Blog demonstrates the idea that not every figure has to be perfect and not every photo needs a smile. She has learned to just take time to relax and find the beauty in what makes the things around us feel good.
Three Cheers For Yolanda Vega. is updated regularly with photos of herself in ensembles that she is not only proud of but wears them like an art piece. Lulu's Blog has inspired me from the beginning to continue my own and constantly be creative when any chance lends it's self.
Here are a few photos that made this Blog stand out, enjoy!
Love v.
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